Designing my plane

to finish up i then made sure everything was aligned and then played with different colours and ordered things in folders. in conclusion i felt this project went well and a really enjoyed it. the only real probably i had was finding some sort of design to put on the actual plane itself. i think this is because its such an odd canvas to work with where the picture changes with perspective alot.


after finishing my plane i then started to work on the typography for the poster to start i just got all the text on the and then started to arrange and play with different fonts and weights. the two fonts i went for is NEOU and Helvetica i choose these font because one is very bold and one is very light so it gives me some varying font sizes that i can use to emphasize certain bits of text.


to start on my plane i looked at possible things i could have on it such as woods, wolves wolf features and things like that. in the end i decided on a fur texture over the plane so as to keep things simple but then to add a wolfs mask coluring to it on the wings. this gives it a wilt of personality while keeping things reletively simple and clean looking

I have then decided to work on my poster design and with my plane being a wolf design i need to keep with the theme and use some sort of wolf imagery on the poster to. i created a 3 headed kind of wolf image but need to find the best place and size for it to sit. I also need to add the information to the poster to advertise the product properly. As for the plane itself i have just thrown a wolf fur texture over it for now but will add maybe some wolf eyes or something later on.

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I have taken an image from the internet of the plane i will be using and then built up vectors on top of it to create an un rasterised shape of the plane that i can scale without it pixelating. i then added shadows to the design to make it believable ready for imagery to be applied.

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Ive now finished making my design and adding shadows and highlights to give the whole thing a more 3d feel and look, ive also put them on separate layers so that i can change the colour easily without having to redo highlights and shadows every colour change. I am now designing my poster and seeing which wolf imagery i want to use and trying to come up with a name in the process.


so i need to re plan my designs and plane range because of my change in theme.

Plane Variations: different wolf habitats, distinctive wolf features, wolf breeds, wolf colours, wolf ranks

i think i will use a mixture of wolf ranks and breeds which will allow me to make a few designs with different names and give me different colour pallets to work with.

Change in Design

After rereading the brief i have decided to change my design theme as the knife throwing theme will not be appropriate for a 12+ kids product so i will now be changing my design to a wolf theme. i have decided this because it is a theme i enjoy and am used o using so it should be easy for me to put something that looks good in a short space of time.

i have decided on this plane design:

i have decided on this design because it has a big wing span and lots of surface space so this allows me a bigger canvas to showcase my wolf design.


To start generating ideas i started to think of other items that are typically thrown in maybe the same way as a paper plane or sports in which and object in thrown.

I came up with: Darts, various balls such as tennis balls, baseballs, throwing knives, throwing axes, javelin, and hammer throw. I found the Knife and Axe throwing on the most interesting since i have some insight in the sport as i throw knives as a hobby in my spare time. I began to research different types of knives shapes forms and throwing styles that can effect the shape and style of the plane i make.


For this project we was tasked with researching and creating a paper plane for KLUTZ paper flight that flys well or for at least 7 seconds. We was also tasked with creating a theme and branding for the plane we will create. We was tasked with creating a name, logo/name style and design for the surface graphic and poster. We must keep the KLUTZ specifications, this will affect our designs and themes for the designs.